
Showing posts from November, 2024

Who am I to conduct research?

One of the most useful parts of my PhD journey was when my viva examiners asked me to write a positionality statement as part of my minor corrections. This really helped me to understand  why I am drawn to particular emergences within the research . Here is what I wrote: 

Introducing my fellowship and research

This blog is going to be used to give an insight into my post-doctoral fellowship journey as I have been lucky enough to secure a fellowship from the ESRC for the next two years (Part-time).  My research argues for a reconceptualisation of empathy as affective and embodied that encompasses both human and more-than-human entities, essential for fostering ethical global responsibility. In the context of the Anthropocene, I assert that empathy is central to global responsibility acting as a catalyst for transformative change. By critiquing traditional notions of empathy that focus solely on human perspectives, I highlight the necessity of a relational understanding that recognises the interconnectedness of all life forms. I then argue that the way to do this is to attempt to move towards understanding empathy as affective rather than as a combination of cognition and affect to illustrate the need for a non-hierarchical approach to empathy that incorporates the more-than-human. I then ...